Home Modification Services in Portsmouth, RI

At Home Healthsmith™, we believe freedom and peace of mind are the greatest gifts we can o­ffer our customers. We provide mobility and safety along with the assurance of maintaining your dignity, despite your physical limitations. Imagine the peace that comes with knowing your home can be changed to accommodate your needs.

Home Modification Services

With more than 30 years of experience in the accessibility and mobility industry, we understand that the stress of living with a disability can be overwhelming. Home Healthsmith™ provides innovative in-home solutions that allow you to maintain your level of comfort without compromising your health and safety.

For more information regarding home modifications and elevator inspections, contact Home HealthSmith, LLC in Portsmouth, RI today! We do everything from wheelchair ramp installation to ceiling lift installation services. Call our home modification services to ask for a free quote.


Home Modifications | Elevator Inspections | Wheelchair Ramp Installation

Why Choose Us

  • Dedicated to Customer Satisfaction
  • Free Estimates
  • High Quality Service